[Image: Mountain Delight, 2007, JAVanDevender]
Wildflowers, South Mountain Area, SK.
Ephesians 2:11–13 (NKJV)
11 Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands— 12 that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
There are very good reasons for associating Easter with flowers and it has been so for ages. There is something so transcendentally metaphorical about the bursting buds, the blossoming beauty, of flowers reaching out into the remaining cool freshness of departing winter, that "life from death"; "new life"; "joy"; "contentment"; etc. cannot help but be implied. It is not only beautiful but it is so completely comprehensive. The flowers invite the awakening bees, the budding leaves hide the nests of hatchlings in their nest, and all God's creatures stir with new energy. Spring is God's bounty and the downpayment on an eternal Sabbath that is the heritage of His saints.
Lent has seemingly "flown by" this year. In just a couple of days we will gather around the table for our Maundy Thursday memorial Lord's Supper, then hard on will be Good Friday with its solemn contemplation of the cross, .... and then.... then comes Easter and the thrill of the resurrection and the bursting forth of the Lily of the Valley... the Bright Morning Star... the Glory of the Risen Son. And even now it seems as if all nature is preparing to celebrate. The skies are blue.. the air is fresh and cool. We must prepare. We must align ourselves with His creation. We must not sell it short. He is risen!
"But NOW" is perhaps one of the most important, striking and deep phrases in all of Scripture. With stark contrast the Gospel breaks forth in those words. "But!" - in spite of what you may have thought... in contradiction to all that man may have considered... contrary to every previous inclination... "NOW!" - in this moment, in this new situation, from this point forth, as opposed to every other age... things have changed.
Where once we Gentiles were in the dark... strangers to His promises... without hope in the world... abiding in and loving the world that Satan held in the tight bonds of lies and deceptions... NOW Christ has arisen. NOW there is a uniting of His creation, of man as His special work, in the New Adam who has reconciled men with God and men with men. NOW we are no longer alone... NOW we are bound in covenant with God through the victory Christ has won over sin and death. NOW we live in a new age that is Jesus Christ ruling and reigning, directing the progress of history and specifically, particularly preserving and propagating His Church, His gathered saints, as He moves inexorably toward that great and complete Easter morning where the Son will shine eternally as He tabernacles with His people forever.
Rejoice you saints... burst out in bloom... let the brightness of the season be seen in your face. Christ is risen!