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God causes all things to work together for good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose...

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« T. R.: Man of His Times, Preacher of "Righteousness", RIP | Main | Why Are You Still In The Dumps? Get over it. »

June 25, 2013


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In a society where lost mutual respect, lost righteous concern for others, and ambivalence to the law prevail-- the balance of justice and re-instilling those lost attributes can be more easily achieved when a vast majority of the population are trained, licensed and actually participate in concealed carry. It is an 'ol West mentality-- God's word in one hand and the deliberate justice available to the other. Not unlike the beloved Eagle that adorns our currency--the arrows of defensible justice in one talon and the olive branch of peace in the other. Society can recover to what it used to be, what it should be- but, not without dedicated conviction and active participation by those who know what the path forward should be and how best to achieve it-- and neither can be accomplished without our humility before the Lord.

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