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« Peace... Be STILL! | Main | Broke Back Capitalism: Babylon is Fallen »

July 23, 2013


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Beautiful new grandbaby-- congratulations! :-)

I am confused by the fanatic adulation, by Americans, over the aristocracy of England-- why waste so much adulation over the folks who reside across the pond? Particularly when we have now with Obama's, and have in the 60s with the Kennedy's, our own aristocracy!? Don't you and the rest of this country know that we have been and continue to be in the post-constitution evolution of our country, and that we relish and adore our royal family and their sovereign reign over all the land? That the royal first lady knows what's best for your children, and that our royal president sees no need for you to worry about your lives, after all he and his administration are compassionate and caring for what they think you need?

Come one-- it's just one baby, born to an otherwise young couple, and like all new parents they are going to be spending a lot of time wiping up messes, feeding and loving on their new baby-- in the greater scheme of things-- nothing particularly noteworthy-- except that the baby is their new baby-- and not royal in my way of looking on it-- as there has only been one royal baby, ever, and that was 2000 years ago.

Preach it brother.

An insightful note on royalty. Now how do you and I deal with the fascination of being grandfathers? Speaking for myself, I am in no hurry to stop doting.

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