[Dim Light, 2013, JA Van Devender]
Location: Jenny Lake, Grand Teton National Park
1 Corinthians 13:12 (NKJV)
12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
"More light, O Lord, more light, that I may see" a saintly man once cried. There are times when that cry is close to my heart also.
How grievous is the weight of sin in this world that has cast us out of the Garden of God's physical Presence. How foggy is the day and how blurred and muted are the colors that ought to stand clear and bright, resplendent in the glory of sinless perfection. The Scriptures tell us that creation groans under the burden of sin, anxiously longing for the release that will come with full redemption. What a day that will be when we see... really see.. at long last see... face to face and are known even as we shall know.
Worship of the living God is glorious now... but it is muted, dim in comparison to what it shall be. We partake of little tokens of what shall one day be the fullness of bounty. Our souls thirst for the living God and we are able to drink from His refreshing springs but not with that total soul invigorating gush that will one day satisfy the last remaining urge.
Today the Lord communes with us at His table. He is there, really and truly and seen only by our spirtual and Spirit empowered eyes. One day He shall preside in Person. Will we, will I, dare to lay my head on His breast as did my brother John so many years ago? Will there be that intimacy of His Person as was granted those first disciples? Jesus says yes... He says that where He is I shall be also and that there will no barriers between our fellowship or hindrances to our conversation.
That is the "prophesy" and promise of present worship. It is a down payment on what is ahead. It is looking at the surroundings of a beautiful lake, shrouded in mist, with its intricate complexity muted and flattened by the grey light... but it is enough to teach us that the beauty is real.. that it is there... and that with the passing of darkness the light will shine... and, at long last... we will see.
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